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Lecture Guide: Overview to 1920s



1920s Politics


“Return to Normalcy” is challenged by the legacy of the _____________________ and ______________ of the _________ world!


President Harding:

  • ______________ President elected in __________


  • Most famous for three scandals:






Calvin Coolidge:

  • Harding’s Vice President

  • Became president in __________ (after Harding’s death)

  • Elected in 1924 with slogan ________________


Herbert Hoover:




  • Believed in the individual and a __________ federal government


Anti-Immigration Movement:




  • He deported immigrants during the ________________






  • _________ and ________________ against immigrants & minority ethnic groups _________ throughout the U.S. 

  • Ex: __________________


         Question: Why would Americans dislike immigrants?








  • The 21st Amendment ended Prohibition in 1933



1920s Economy


________________ led to _______ production and the _______ of American ___________________.


Changing Consumer Habits:




     Examples: (radios, automobiles, icebox, washing machine, vacuum cleaner)




  • Mass production of goods = ____________________


  • Increased use of ___________________ to _______ products





  • New roads = more mobility, causing growth in _____________






1920s Society & Culture


Progressive Era and WWI opportunities led to ___________ to _________________ societal _________.


Civil Rights

Women in the 1920s:



  • ____________________________________________________

- birth control, voting, and new fashions (though _____ in number, flappers represented the “ ________________”


African Americans in the 1920s:







(ex: Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” movement)


Sports Mania:




(1927 Dempsey fight made $2.6 million)







  • ___________________________ (Rudolph Valentino & Charlie Chaplin) ___________________________







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