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Clue Sheet #2


Link 1: Here's a look at the U.S. unemployment rate for selected years from 1920 to 2013.














































Link 2: Employment Status by Industry, 1929-1998 (in millions of persons unless specified)




Link 3: Women in the Labor Force - The following table lists the number of employed women in the US labor force from 1900 to the present, according to year, percent of females over 16 years old, and percent of labor force over 16 years old.

Link 4: Per capital personal income 



Link 5: Farm income (in millions of dollars). This table features the U.S. farm income from 1930 to 2007, including the major categories of crops, livestock, government payments, and the gross cash income.

Link 6: Retail Prices of Selected Foods in US Cities, 1890-2011. Prices below are in dollars or cents.

Link 7: Gross Domestic Product or Expenditure, 1930-2007 (in billions of dollars)

Link 8: Receipts and Outlays of the Federal Government, 1789-2013 (in millions of dollars).


Link 9: The Public Debt. See the US gross debt amount from 1800 to present.


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