History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
Age of Jefferson Study Guide
Please study your Powerpoint slides!
Jefferson wanted to change Federalist policies. He felt that they had made the government too large and too powerful. He believed that the Federalists had taken powers that had belonged to the states.
Laissez Faire Economics: Jefferson supported laissez faire (lay-zay fair) economics which meant that the government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs.
Jefferson decreased the size of government departments and cut the federal budget.
He reduced the size of the army and navy.
He asked Congress to repeal the Whiskey Tax.
The Sedition Act: The Act expired and Jefferson pardoned the men who were in jail as a result of it. He also asked Congress to restore the five year waiting period to become a citizen.
Federalist Policies That Remain: Jefferson kept the Bank of the United States and continued to pay off state debts.
Marbury v. Madison
In the final hours of Adams’ presidency, he began appointing “midnight “ judges to pack the judicial branch with Federalists.
He appointed William Marbury to federal judge. However, Adams’ term ended before the papers could be officially delivered by Secretary of State, James Madison.
Jefferson told Madison not to deliver the papers that would confirm Marbury’s appointment.
Judiciary Act of 1789: Only the Supreme Court can decide a case brought against a federal official.
Chief Justice John Marshall ruled against Marbury. He said that:
The Judiciary Act was unconstitutional.
The Constitution did not give the Supreme Court to decide cases brought against federal officials.
Judicial Review: Marbury v. Madison set an important precedent. It gave the Supreme Court the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional!!
New Orleans (in Louisiana) was extremely important to Americans. Many western farmers relied on the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans to ship their goods!
Jefferson purchased “Louisiana” for $15 million from the French.
The Louisiana Purchase DOUBLED the size of the United States.
However, Jefferson had never even seen it!! Nobody knew anything about it!
Wow! I’m Big!!
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Meriwether Lewis and William were chosen to lead an expedition and explore the unknown land. Some of Jefferson’s goals for the men were to:
Map a route to the Pacific Ocean.
Study the climate, wildlife, soil and mineral resources of the land.
Learn about and befriend as many Native American tribes as possible.
American traders traded with the countries along the Mediterranean Sea. They paid the North African nations (the Barbary States) a bribe every year so that their ships would be protected.
Jefferson didn’t want to pay the bribe and Tripoli declared war on the United States.
Jefferson blockaded Tripoli and American Marines attacked Tripoli. In the end, Tripoli signed a treaty promising not to interfere with American ships.
1803: Britain and France are at it again! War! (By the way, we’re neutral!)
Impressment: British and France were seizing American ships (again!) but Britain was kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to work on British ships!
Embargo Act: The Act forbade Americans from exporting and importing goods!
Jefferson hoped that it would damage Britain and France!
However, it did more harm to Americans than it did to France and Britain.
Sailors had no work!
Farmers lost money because they couldn’t ship wheat overseas!
Southerners couldn’t trade cotton and tobacco.
New England merchants hurt most of all!!
Nonintercourse Act: Replaced the Embargo Act and stated that Americans were forbidden to trade with Britain and France (they could trade with other foreign nations, though!)
Conflicts with the Native Americans arose.
Fighting broke out between the Native Americans and the settlers over land
In the Treaty of Greenville Native Americans sold the land which later became part of Ohio for $20,000.
Tecumesh, a Native American, worked to organize Indian nations into a confederation, or league.
At the Battle of Tippecanoe, Native Americans fought American troops.
The War of 1812
War Hawks or supporters or was, stressed the need to battle Britain.
War Hawks stirred up nationalism or a devotion to one’s country.
Congress declares war
The United States was not ready for war. The British burned down the White House but Dolly Madison saved the original Declaration of Independence and a Portrait of George Washington.
The Battle of New Orleans was the final battle of the war. The Americans won!
The Treaty of Ghent was signed. Nothing was gained from the war.
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