History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
The American Revolution
Who said, “Give me Liberty…or give me death!” (Slide 2)
Who arrived into Boston in April 1775? (Slide 4)
Who was Ethan Allen? (Slide 5)
What was the name of the band of Vermonters that Ethan Allen led? (Slide 5)
Where did the Green Mountain Boys meet? (Slide 6)
Name two famous colonists that wanted to declare independence. (Slide 6)
What did the colonists send King George III? (Slide 7)
Who was the commander of the Continental Army? (Slide 7)
What was one weaknesses of the Continental Army? (Slide 8)
Where did Colonel William Prescott take a position? (Slide 9)
What did the British General William Howe do when he spotted the American troops? (Slide 10)
Why do you think the American’s shouted, “Do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes?” (Slide 10)
What was the first major battle of the Revolution called? (Slide 12)
What was Washington’s job in mid-summer? (Slide 13)
In January 1776, what did King George III order? (Slide 14)
What is a blockade? (Slide 14)
What did Richard Montgomery do? (Slide 15)
Were the Americans successful in conquering Quebec? (Slide 16)
What was the name of the pamphlet Thomas Paine wrote? (Slide 17)
What did Thomas Paine’s pamphlet show colonists? (Slide 18)
What did Richard Henry Lee offer as a resolution? (Slide 19)
What is a traitor? (Slide 19)
Who was on the Continental Congress Committee? (Slide 20)
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? (Slide 20)
What date was the Declaration of Independence signed? (Slide 20)
The Declaration of Independence has three parts. Name the three parts of the declaration. (Slide 20)
What did Part 3 of the Declaration announce? (Slide 24)
What was a patriot? (Slide 25)
What was a Loyalist? (Slide 25)
What was the war against Great Britain called? (Slide 26)
What battle did General George Howe fight in? (Slide 27)
Who slipped behind British lines and spied on the troops? (Slide 28)
What did Nathan Hale say before he was sentenced to death? (Slide 28)
What happened on December 26, 1776? (Slide 29)
How did Washington defeat General Charles Cornwallis on January 2, 1777? (Slide 30)
Who retreated from the British army away on July 1777? (Slide 32)
What country became a very important ally to the Americans?(Slide 34)
Who was sent to Paris to persuade the French king to help the Americans? (Slide 35)
What is a treaty? (Slide 35, see a dictionary or click on the word, treaty)
What were some of the hardships the Continental Army had to face in the winter of 1777-1778? (Slide 36)
Did the Native Americans become involved in the war? (Slide 37)
Who led Virginia in an attack against the British? (Slide 38)
The American navy could not battle against which country? (Slide 39)
Name the American captain that captured many British ships? (Slide 39)
How did Washington change his policy relating to African Americans during the American Revolution? (Slide 40)
What did the women do when the men went off to war? (Slide 44)
What did Betsy Ross do? (Slide 44)
What did Mary Ludwig do in the Revolution? (Slide 45)
What happened at the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge? (Slide 47)
What was the bad news about Benedict Arnold? (Slide 48)
What general did Washington plan to trap? (Slide 49)
What song did the British army play when they handed over their weapons to the Americans? (Slide 49)
Who did Congress send over to France to sign the treaty with the British? (Slide 50)
What happened under the Treaty of Paris? (Slide 50)
Define the term, ratified. (Slide 51)
What happened in December 1783? (Slide 52)
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