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Lecture Guide: Cold War Basics


From the post war era came decades of tension between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.

As WWII came to a close, the alliance between the U.S and U.S.S.R began to disintegrate. Why?

  • No longer allied by having a ___________________

  • Each side felt ______________ by actions during WWII

    • American use of _________________

    • US did not help fight on ___________________

    • USSR did not help fight against ___________

  • U.S. create political and economic alliances with democratic nations (_____________________) in Europe as soon as WWII ended

  • USSR forced ___________________________________ upon countries in Eastern Europe when war ended

Cold War “1945 – 1991”

  • War fought ________________ (cold) between 2 superpowers (U.S. and U.S.S.R) over _________________________________________________________

  • Conflicts were fought through ______________ or dependent countries (ex: ______________ & ________________)

  • War of ______________ - _________________ vs _________________

  • The U.S. ____________ with other democratic or “western” nations

  • The USSR ____________ with communist or “eastern” nations

  • ______________  & _____________ policy for both the US and USSR was dictated by this tension.

  • War of ________________ (political/economic)

  • __________________ to see what ideology would _______________ the world – who would have a larger _______________________________________

  • Battlefields were __________________________________ called __________________

Both the U.S. and Soviet Union engaged in actions and decisions that contributed to the ongoing tension that lasted nearly 50 years

The world was divided into East vs. West

East =

West =

There are four major categories of competition:

  • Military Battles – use of _____________________________ to spread ideology

  • Political Battles – attempt to __________________________________ to other countries

  • Economic – use of _____________ to influence other countries

  • Technological – develop new ___________________ to prove superiority of a nation

Question: Why couldn’t the two nations co-exist peacefully?

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