History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
Depression Lecture Guide
Signs the Economy was in trouble:
Post WWI Economics…
Other Causes of Depression
Increasing ______________________ in large industries ( )
________________ distribution of ______________
Weak _____________________________
Weak _________________________ economy ( )
Lack of government ____________________ on various __________________
Stock Market Crash:
Investing in stocks became popular in the 1920s (stock =
Many people could not afford to pay cash, so “Bought on __________” -
“Black Tuesday” =
Effects of Crash:
An estimated $30 billion were lost on the stock market by November
Leads to widespread _____________ failures
Bank Failures:
From 1929 - 1932
Farmers were overproducing causing prices to drop
People were standing in bread lines for food.
Herbert Hoover:
Republican President from 1928 - 1932
He created “Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) -
Hoovervilles -
Defeated in the __________ election due to his failure to
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