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Lecture Guide: Effects of WWI


Political Changes:


  • Expanded the _______ of the __________ government

  • Led to _____________ of _______________ - led to new immigration ____________________ immigration

  • _____________ of _______________ civil ________________ during a time of war

  • Era of Progressive reform _________


Changes to Foreign Policy:


  • _______________ of _______________________ & _____________________.

  • Led to almost _________________ of __________________.Example: ________________________ of 1922 (agreement between countries to ________________)

  • Creation of _____________________________

    • New tariffs (international trade barriers)

    • Limited imports

    • Disrupted international trade


Social Changes:


  • __________________________________________________

  • Group of writers, poets, artists

  • Works reflect the _______________________ of the post WWI era

  • Attempt to make meaning out of __________ & _____________ of WWI

  • ____________ of American idealism

  • Example: _________________________ All Quiet on the Western Front

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