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Lecture Guide: The End and the Legacy



Nixon’s Policy “Vietnamization”







Americans Deceived

  • Pentagon Papers

    • Daniel __________, a former researcher for the government, photo-copied classified documents called the _________________

    • Papers documented American _____________ in ___________.

    • Papers showed that the government had _______ to the American _________ and __________ about what was going on in Vietnam to try and ______________________.

    • _____________led to Nixon’s ____________ and _______________.


  • Election of 1972

    • Nixon was __________ that __________ movement and ____________ discredited him and that he would not be ______________.

    • Set out to __________ these groups

    • Orders a series of __________ (wiretaps, CIA surveillance, domestic spying, lying to the public, break-ins, illegal campaign contributions, and money laundering)

    • Led to _______________ - term used to describe ______ of Nixon’s _____________ and the resulting ____________ and _____________ of Nixon.




Nixon & Watergate

  • Nixon was afraid he would not get ______________ in 1972 Election

  • His campaign team _________________________________ is determined to discredit the Democratic Party

  • 5 men break in to the ___________________________ at the __________________________________ – plan to steel documents & wiretap office – they are ____________

  • Series of illegal acts begin, to ____________ involvement of __________ in break-in

  • Two Washington Post Reporters, ___________________________________, begin to investigate cover-up

  • Senate begins an investigation…the big question: ___________________________________________

  • Senate discovers that Nixon had _____________ all of his presidential conversations

  • Senate demands copies of tapes – a year long battle ensues

  • Several White House officials are _____________ and V.P. Spiro Agnew ___________ (__________________ is appointed as V.P.)

  • In 1974 Nixon releases ____________ versions of tapes - _______________________ orders Nixon to surrender unedited versions

  • Senate _____________________________ President of three crimes




  • Nixon releases tapes, but parts have been ___________________________________.

  • Nixon ______________ & Gerald Ford becomes President

  • Americans are totally ________________ with government



1973 Peace Treaty and Continuing War



  • Fighting continued between the North & South

  • Without U.S. _____, South _____ to N. Vietnamese forces in 1975.






Effects of U.S. Soldiers

  • 2.7 million men & women served

  • Many experienced feelings of ______, ___________, and ______________

  • Distrustful of government

  • _______ experienced problems with drugs, alcohol, joblessness, and PTSD (________________________)



Effects on American Society

  • ______________ American deaths

  • Between $_____ and $_____ billion spent

  • _____________ American people

  • Led to political _________ (suspicious of the government)

  • Americans doubtful of _________________

  • Tarnished the ______________ of the U.S.




U.S and Vietnam Today

Clinton Normalized Relations with Vietnam


  • Stopped blocking of ______________ loans

  • Lifted trade embargo

  • Opening of _____________

  • Established full diplomatic relations

Vietnam is currently a unifed country with the Communist party remaining dominant in politics.

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