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Lecture Guide: End of World War II


D-Day (1944):

  • code name “operation overlord”

  • purpose of the attack was to ________ parts of France from Axis  control and then move into and destroy Germany

  • Attack came in three phases – paratroopers, airplanes dropped bombs, and then infantry landed on beaches

  • Allies were ___________ and began to slowly gain back control of France (



Battle of the Bulge (1944):

  • following the Allied capture of the first German city, Hitler ordered the offensive attack





  • Germans lost 120,000 troops, 600 tanks, and 1,600 planes








Yalta (1945):

  • Stalin, Churchill, and FDR meet

  • Determine that when Germany surrenders…








FDR Dies (1945):

  • FDR dies of a stroke

  • Vice President ________ ____________ assumes the office of the President



V-E Day (1945):






  • A week later, on the 8th of May 1945, Germany surrenders unconditionally

  • war is over in Europe - ____________ in __________ Day





Battle of Iwo Jima (1945):

  • strategically important island, needed as a base to attack mainland Japan

  • heavily guarded by Japanese – over _____________ Japanese soldiers were ____________ on the island

  • Eventually the _________ succeeded  in taking the island

  • only _____ Japanese soldiers survived the battle





Battle for Okinawa (1945):

  • _________ location needed to gain _________ to Japan










Atomic Bombs Dropped

  • August 6th, 1945 the ______ atomic bomb was dropped on _______________.

  • August 9th, 1945 the _________ atomic bomb was dropped on ____________

  • August 14th, 1945 Japan announces it will _____________:


VJ Day – __________________________


World War II is officially over!

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