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The Rise of Franklin D. Roosevelt Lecture Guide



Great Depression Problems








President Hoover appears to be unwilling to provide relief for the Great Depression



Who was FDR?

  • Born in 1882 to a _____________ and prominent family.

  • Raised to believe that ______________ should look after the ___________.

  • Believed government’s primary role was to ____________________________________________.

  • Stricken with ____________ in 1921 (at the age of 39) - _________________________________.

  • President for _______ years during two of the nation’s biggest crises - ______________________ and __________.

  • Only President elected for _____ terms

  • Known to represent ____________________

  • Had the ability to convey sympathetic __________________________________.



Election of 1932

  • Hoover was a _________________, FDR was a _____________________.

  • FDR received ________ of popular vote and ___________/531 electoral votes

  • Election was called the “Roosevelt Revolution”






  • FDR ran against Hoover on a _________________________ campaign - ________________________________________________________________________________.



New Deal

  • The New Deal Programs would provide

    • Relief:


  • Recovery:


  • Reform:



  • “100 Days”

    • In FDR’s first 100 days in office he pushed ______ pieces of __________________  through Congress to fight the _____________________.

    • He focused on stabilizing _______________________________, providing ____________, creating _________, and regulating the economy.

    • He used _____________________ fiscal and monetary policy (i.e. increased the amount of money in circulation)

    • EXAMPLE: day after taking office he declared a _______________ (banks were closed so no one could withdraw their money) & ____________________ banks to determine when they could re-open.



Election of 1936

  • Between 6.5 – 12.5 million still _____________________.

  • FDR elected with ____________ of popular vote (largest in history)

  • Won every electoral vote but ____________ and ________________.

  • Number of votes for Democratic candidates increased by _______% from previous election.



Did the New Deal Work? YES!

  • Improved _________ conditions for many workers (secured _______ of _________ to use _____________________, minimum ______ and ______ laws)

  • Helped create lasting _________________ (roads, bridges, public buildings)

  • Created some __________________ that still exist today (ex: _______ & _______)

  • Create a __________________ (ex________________)

  • ______________ financial institutions

  • Provided _____________ of jobs



Did the New Deal Work? NO!

  • There were some ________ and ________________ to the New Deal.

  • Some felt that the New Deal gave the ______________ government and ___________________ too much power

  • Increased federal ___________

  • The _____________ __________ declared some New Deal programs unconstitutional (ex: NIRA & AAA)

  • Some felt the New Deal did not ______________

  • New Deal did not _______ Great Depression - _________

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