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Lecture Guide: Fighting for Change

The Progressive Movement

















Causes of Problems:









Progressive Reform Movement and Labor Movement ______________ these problems.


Reformers who wanted to _______ the problems associated with _______________, ______________, and _____________.


_____ believed that the ________________ needed to take a more ____________ role in

 _________________ society.


Labor Movement

_____________ who organized to improve _______________ through the creation of ____________.


Primarily used ___________ to try and force change.



Origins of Progressives:

  • Farmers





  • Labor Unions


  • Social Gospel Movement




One Group of Progressives: The Muckrakers


These journalists helped inspire others to fight for progressive change, including President Teddy Roosevelt.


Who and What are the Muckrakers?





Focused on raking the muck of society and making it public knowledge.


Famous Muckrakers


Ida Tarbell:


Lincoln Steffens:


Upton Sinclair:


Jacob Riis:



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