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Lecture Guide: Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization



  • Changes in ______________ led to a decline in need for farm ____________ (especially ____________ ______________).

  • Changes in ______________ led to a rise in ____________ for _____________ workers.

  • Factories were built in _____________.

  • These factors led to _____________ (from ___________ to __________) and _______________ (from __________ countries to American _________).



  • Both ________ and ________ factors increased ________________.

  • Escaping failing European ___________, political & religious _______________, natural disasters, and __________.

  • Looking for job _______________, religious & political ______________, safety.



  • _____________ of ___________ caused by ________________ and _______________.

  • Cities grew _________ quickly

  • _______________ with a lack of ___________ and little government ________ led to ____________ living and working _____________.


Effects of Industrialization, Immigration, and Urbanization

1. Rise of Big Business

  • Emergence of monopolies, trusts, cartels

  • Economic Instability and corruption

  • Large gap between rich and poor


2. Resistance to Immigration

  • Nativism

  • Americanization Movement


3. Reform Movement Begins

  • Social Gospel Movement

  • Settlement Houses


4. Farmers Protest

  • Populist Party


5. Labor Movement Emerges

  • Examples: AFL (American Federation of Labor) & IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)

  • Strikes turn violent

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