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History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
Lecture Guide: Industrialization, Immigration, Urbanization
Changes in ______________ led to a decline in need for farm ____________ (especially ____________ ______________).
Changes in ______________ led to a rise in ____________ for _____________ workers.
Factories were built in _____________.
These factors led to _____________ (from ___________ to __________) and _______________ (from __________ countries to American _________).
Both ________ and ________ factors increased ________________.
Escaping failing European ___________, political & religious _______________, natural disasters, and __________.
Looking for job _______________, religious & political ______________, safety.
_____________ of ___________ caused by ________________ and _______________.
Cities grew _________ quickly
_______________ with a lack of ___________ and little government ________ led to ____________ living and working _____________.
Effects of Industrialization, Immigration, and Urbanization
1. Rise of Big Business
Emergence of monopolies, trusts, cartels
Economic Instability and corruption
Large gap between rich and poor
2. Resistance to Immigration
Americanization Movement
3. Reform Movement Begins
Social Gospel Movement
Settlement Houses
4. Farmers Protest
Populist Party
5. Labor Movement Emerges
Examples: AFL (American Federation of Labor) & IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
Strikes turn violent
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