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Lecture Guide: Introduction to the Civil Rights Movement



Review of African American Rights:


  • - 13th Amendment is passed (___________________)

- Black Codes are passed in the South to __________ African Americans


  • - 14th Amendment is passed (_________________________________)


1870    - 15th Amendment is passed (_________________________________)


  • - Plessy v. Ferguson (Segregation is legal - ________________________________)




  • Black Codes – “________________________”

  • Established _______________ facilities for ___________ and ____________ across the South

  • ___________________ upheld segregation

  • Limitations placed upon the ability for African Americans to _____________ (poll taxes, __________________, grandfather clauses), allowed for these laws to _______________.




African Americans Organize:

Civil Rights Organizations are created to fight for change!!


  • NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

    • Founded in 1909 with the goal of _________ equality between the races

    • Used _______ and _________________ to enact change


  • Double V Campaign

    • Created during _________ to fight for both rights at _______ and ___________.


  • CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)

    • Founded in 1942 to fight ________________

    • Used method of ____________ to achieve goals


  • SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)

    • Founded in 1957 by ____________ and other ministers

    • Used ___________________ to achieve ______________ between the races



Successes for Civil Rights – The 1940s:


  • Jackie Robinson plays in the All-White MLB (1945)

  • Leads to integration of ______ and _______ within a few years

    • FDR bans ________________ in federal agencies

    • 1948 Truman ______________ the armed forces

    • Supreme Court Declares

  • Segregated _____________ illegal

  • Segregated _________ and _________ school illegal



1950s Civil Rights:

  • Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

  • Supreme Court Cast






  • Rosa Parks and Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)









  • Little Rock Arkansas (1957)





Limitations on 1950s Civil Rights due to:

  • Lack of white support for change

  • Fear of desegregation in the South








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