History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
The Jacksonian Era Study Guide
Please study your Powerpoint slides!
WAR of 1812, JACKSONIAN AGE, & MANIFEST DESTINY - Life in the New Nation
The Supreme Court received the right of judicial review in the Marbury vs. Madison case (1803), which allowed them to decide the Constitutionality of laws
The United States doubled the size of the nation when President Jefferson purchased Louisiana from France in 1803, and expanded the United States west of the Mississippi River
The U.S. purchased Louisiana from Napoleon for 15 million dollars because France needed money to fight Great Britain and Spain in a war in Europe
President Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to Louisiana to gather information about resources available, and also to explore and map the region
Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian, helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to Louisiana
Impressment is the act of forcing foreign sailors to work on warships of the British Navy
President Jefferson’s Embargo Act weakened the U.S. economy by hurting both American merchants and sailors
War Hawks were Congressmen who wanted to wage war with Britain to seize Canada, take Spanish Florida, stop Britain from impressing our sailors, and stop Native American attacks on the Frontier
The U.S. fought the War of 1812 (nicknamed the Second War for Independence) against Great Britain
The U.S. and Native Americans came into conflict because white settlers threatened the Native Americans way of life (culture)
The War of 1812 ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, which basically returned things to the way they were before the war was fought
The war ended in a tie, but helped increase U.S. nationalism, or pride in one’s nation
Following his lopsided victory at the Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson became a national hero
Following the War of 1812 sectional differences began to emerge in the nation
Sectionalism is the idea that one favors the needs of one's area of the country over the needs of the entire country
The invention of the Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 helped industrialization because it allowed cotton to be cleaned quicker making it more profitable; however, this would mean southern plantation owners would expand the slave system to keep up with the demand for cotton
Early industrialization began in the textile mills of New England in the due to the abundance of waterpower. These mills employed mostly young women and children
Steamboats helped to revolutionize travel on waterways in the early 19th century
The development and construction of the Erie Canal allowed western farmers to ship goods cheaply and quickly to New York City, which became a center of commerce (trade)
The Erie Canal allowed farmers to ship and sell their goods to many markets along the east coast
The Monroe Doctrine (1823) warned European powers to not colonize the Americas
The Monroe Doctrine reinforced George Washington’s idea of American neutrality by attempting to avoid armed conflict with Europe
John Quincy Adams defeated Andrew Jackson in the election of 1824. The election was nicknamed the “Corrupt Bargain” because the election had to be settled by the House of Representatives
When elected to the Presidency in 1828 Andrew Jackson gave his supporters and loyal party member’s jobs in the government. This was known as the Spoils System.
Nullification is the idea that a state can veto (abolish) or cancel a law of the federal government. The Nullification Crisis results from Southern hatred of a tariff passed by the U.S. government.
President Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, which forced the relocation of the 5 civilized tribes of Native Americans from the Southeastern U.S. to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma)
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