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JFK Lecture Guide



Domestic Policies: The New Frontier

Stimulating the Economy

  • estimated that ______ million Americans were ________ stricken

  • responded by _________________________ and increasing ______________________




Peace Corps

  • created a ______________ program for Americans to help poverty stricken nations throughout the _____________.



  • to compete with _____________ space superiority Kennedy _____________ government _________________ and promised America a ______________________ within ____ years (happened in _________)



Civil Rights


  • created a Civil Rights bill that guaranteed ____________________________________

________________________ and gave the U.S. Attorney General (_________________) the power to file _____________________________.

  • Kennedy died before approved, but later became the ____________________________ (one of the __________________________________________ in American history).



Foreign Policies: Berlin & Cuba

Berlin Crisis (1961)

  • Germans living in East Berlin were moving West

  • angered the Soviets because it made communism look bad

  • Kennedy refused to compromise with Soviet demands, and the Soviets ______________

_____________________ - ended the crisis, but ________________ Cold War __________.


Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

  • USSR placed nuclear missiles on the island of ____________

  • nearly led to _______________ between the U.S. and U.S.S.R – Kennedy able to _______________________ convince _____________________________________.


Hot Line (1963)

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