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Lecture Guide: Overview of the Korean War


  • Korea was a ___________________ colony during WWII

  • When Japan lost the war, ______________ and ______________ troops ________________ Korea

  • The Russians and Americans decided that Korea should be ________________ at the ______ parallel in 1945



Puppet Governments:

         What is a puppet government?



  • The U.S. administered the ___________ and put an _______________________, pro-American ____________ in ____________.

  • The USSR administered the ______________ and put a ______________ leader in charge.

  • Russian and Americans _____________ troops from this area in 1948 & 1949.

  • Both Northern and Southern leaders wanted to _____________ the country – but with ____________ types of ________________.

  • Kim Il Sung (___________________________) understood that to resolve the problem of unifying the two Koreas was very difficult – that he would need help. Of course the help he was hoping to get would come from the ________________.




  • 1950 – North Korea ___________ South Korea with 90,000 troops equipped with ___________ weapons and __________.

  • Afraid that Korea would fall to ______________ like _______, the U.S. began to rush in __________.

  • The U.S. brought the Korean situation up with the ________...

    • The Russians were _____________ the U.N. so the U.S. convinced the UN to authorize a “____________________” to help the South Koreans.

    • About _______ of the troops were ____________.



Why American Involvement?:

  • President Truman:

“Korea is a small country, thousands of miles away. But what is happening there is important to every American. The fact that communist forces have invaded Korea is a _____________ that there may be similar acts of _________ in other _______ of the world.”


  • The U.S. led UN forces pushed the ___________________ back to the _____ parallel and then kept going. They pushed all to the border of __________.


  • After several more years of _____________ fighting ______ and forth, a cease _______ was signed.


  • Signed in _______, it declared the ______ parallel once again as the ________ between the two countries.















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