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North and South Study Guide
Please study your Powerpoint slides!


  • Industry in the North and Life in the North

    • Cotton was the South’s major crop.

    • John Deere invented the light weight plow.

    • Popular Elias Howe invented the sewing machine.

    • Samuel Morse invented the telegraph.

    • The Rocket was the first steam powered steam engine.

    • People worked log hours for low wages in factories.

    • Factory machines had no safety equipment.

    • Children worked in factories.

    • Trade unions were established and strikes were held to improve conditions for workers.

    • Many immigrants arrived in the United States. They left their home country to find a new and better life.

    • African Americans faced racial discrimination when the searched for a job.


  • Cotton Kingdom in the South and the Fight for Freedom

    • Slavery led to sectionalism between the North and South.

    • Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

    • Enslaved Africans made up more than 1/3 of the South’s population.

    • Southern states passed the Slave Codes that forbid Africans certain rights:

      • 1. Forbidden to gather in-groups more than three.

      • 2.  Not able to leave their owners land without a pass.

      • 3.  Not allowed to own guns.

      • 4.  Not allowed to learn to read or write


  • Nat Turner led a revolt against slavery.


  • Andrew Jackson was elected the President in 1828.

    • Frederick Douglass became the most famous abolitionist. He published the newspaper called the North Star.

    • The Underground Railroad, a network of abolitionists, was established to help free black slaves.

    • Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Sojourner Truth fought for women’s rights.

    • Public Education for children was established.

    • Africans American schools received less money to educate black children.

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