History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
1950s Politics and Prosperity
Economic Legacy of WWII
Great Depression is _______
Full ___________ during the war
Americans _________ money during the war years (_____________ and limited ____________ goods)
New types of _______ emerged post WWII
More men going to _________ & ______________ = growth in ______________ workers and __________ industry
Americans were ________ to acquire all the Depression and War had ________ - in search of the ___________________.
The American Dream…
Americans were eager to pursue the American Dream they had ____________ for – marriages, birth rates, and home sales soared.
Suburbia: Expanding families search for the American Dream
Baby Boom (1945 – 1957)
GI Bill of Rights
Provided _______________________ to buy houses
______________________ in the suburbs developed by William J. Levitt
Average American could _________ homes
The Automobile
Dependence on car to get to _________
Led to new ______________ (federal/interstate highways, gas stations, repair shops, parts stores, drive-in movies & restaurants)
Teen Consumers
Teens became a _____________ part of population due to baby boom – word _____________ enters American vocabulary
Teens took part in _____________ the growing economy
Companies used _________________ to appeal specifically to teens
Prosperity for All??
While new suburbs grew, housing in _________ rapidly declined, with existing structures ________________ (primarly home to most __________ groups)
Dependence upon car for wealthy led to the decline of _____________ (primarily ________ & _____________ affected because they can not afford cars)
Women & other moniroties were forced _______ into ______ paying jobs or were ____________ entirely with returning soldiers
Politics: Truman and Eisenhower
President Harry Truman (Democrat)
Attempted to continue FDRs economic policies in post-war years with the __________________.
Republican’s feared Democratic control (__________________________________________)
President Eisenhower (Republican)
Former commander of Allied forces (___________________________)
Introduced “Modern Republicanism”
Domestic Policies
Money to increase science and math education to compete with the USSR in the Arms & Space Races
Cold War: Political, Economic, & Military competition between the U.S. & U.S.S.R.
Began a new era, The Cold War
Democracy vs. Communism
Who would be the #1 world power?
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