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1950s Politics and Prosperity



Economic Legacy of WWII

  • Great Depression is _______


  • Full ___________ during the war


  • Americans _________ money during the war years (_____________ and limited ____________ goods)


  • New types of _______ emerged post WWII


  • More men going to _________ & ______________ = growth in ______________ workers and __________ industry


  • Americans were ________ to acquire  all the Depression and War had ________ - in search of the ___________________.



The American Dream…

Americans were eager to pursue the American Dream they had ____________ for – marriages, birth rates, and home sales soared.


Suburbia: Expanding families search for the American Dream

  • Baby Boom (1945 – 1957)




  • GI Bill of Rights

  • Provided _______________________ to buy houses


  • Levittowns

    • ______________________ in the suburbs developed by William J. Levitt

    • Average American could _________ homes


  • The Automobile

  • Dependence on car to get to _________

  • Led to new ______________ (federal/interstate highways, gas stations, repair shops, parts stores, drive-in movies & restaurants)


  • Teen Consumers

  • Teens became a _____________ part of population due to baby boom – word _____________ enters American vocabulary

  • Teens took part in _____________ the growing economy

  • Companies used _________________ to appeal specifically to teens



Prosperity for All??

  • While new suburbs grew, housing in _________ rapidly declined, with existing structures ________________ (primarly home to most __________ groups)


  • Dependence upon car for wealthy led to the decline of _____________ (primarily ________ & _____________ affected because they can not afford cars)


  • Women & other moniroties were forced _______ into ______ paying jobs or were ____________ entirely with returning soldiers




Politics: Truman and Eisenhower

         President Harry Truman (Democrat)

  • Attempted to continue FDRs economic policies in post-war years with the __________________.


  • Republican’s feared Democratic control (__________________________________________)

    • Example:



  • Successes




President Eisenhower (Republican)

  • Former commander of Allied forces (___________________________)


  • Introduced “Modern Republicanism”




  • Domestic Policies



Money to increase science and math education to compete with the USSR in the Arms & Space Races




Cold War: Political, Economic, & Military competition between the U.S. & U.S.S.R.




  • Began a new era, The Cold War






Democracy vs. Communism


Who would be the #1 world power?

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