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 The Road to Revolution



  • Define the word debt. (Slide 2)




  • How did the parliament raise money for their debt?  (Slide 2)




  •  What was clear in 1775? (Slide 2)




  •  What was proclaimed in 1749? (Slide 3)




  •  What did King George II summon Christopher Gist to do?  (Slide 3) 




  • What did land did France claim? (Slide 5)




  •  What did France build to protect their lands (Slide5) 




  • What did the French proclaim? (Slide 5)





  • Why was the Ohio valley so important? (Slide 5)   




  • Did the Native Americans want to give up their lands to the European settlers? (Slide 6)    





  • Why did France and England want to make Indian allies? (Slide 6)  





  • Were the French people fur trappers or farmers? (Slide 6)    





  •  How did the English people feel about the rights of the Indians? (Slide 7)    




  • Why did some of the Indians support the English? (Slide 7)    




  •  Who walked in the room to meet Captain Joncaire on December 4, 1753? (Slide 8)    




  • What was Washington delivering to Captain Joncaire? (Slide 8)    





  • Where was England and France fighting in the French and Indian War? (Slide 9; hint what were they fighting for?)    




  • Where did Washington grow up? (Slide 10)    





  • Why did Washington build a fort? (Slide 10)




  • What did Washington name his fort? (Slide 11)




  • Who forced Washington to surrender at Fort Necessity? (Slide 11)




  • What does the snake in the political carton tell you? (Slide 12)





  • Where did the delegates meet? (Slide 13)





  • Why did the delegates meet in Albany? (Slide 13)





  • Did the Iroquois join the British or French?   (Slide 13)




  • Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union? (Slide 14)




  • What did Franklin mean when he said, “Everyone cries a union is needed, but when they come to the manner and for the Union, their weak noodles are perfectly distracted.” (Slide 14)




  • What advantage did the French people have over the British people? (Slide 15)




  •  What colonies ruled the seas? (Slide 15)  




  • Who led the British in the attack against fort Duquesne?   (Slide 16) 




  • Who warned General Braddock that he was moving his troops too slow? (Slide 16)





  • Who became the leader of the British government in 1757?  (Slide 17)




  • After the British captured the fort, what did they rename it? (Slide 17)




  • What was the name of the town General James Wolfe was sent to capture? (Slide 18)




  • What was General James Wolfe’s bold plan?   (Slide 18)  




  • The French lost the French and Indian War. They were forced to sign a treaty. What was the name of that treaty the French signed?                (Slide 20)




  • What did the British gain under the Treaty of Paris? (Slide 20)





  • What threat did the British wonder about? (Slide 21)





  • What is the name of the valley the British drove the French away from? (Slide 22)




  • Many Native Americans lived in the Ohio Valley in 1762.Who did the British send to keep order in the Ohio Valley? (Slide 22)




  • Who was the leader of the Native Americans that fought the French? (Slide 23)




  • What did the French people inform Pontiac in 1763? (Slide 24)




  • What did the Proclamation of 1763 say?  (Slide 25)





  • What was the Sugar Act? (Slide 27)




  • What was the Stamp Act? (Slide 27)




  • What happened when the British tried to enforce the Stamp Act?  (Slide 27)




  • What did the colonist claim when they were handed the two new laws? (Slide 28)




  • What did the colonists present to King George III in 1765?    (Slide 29)




  • Define the word, boycott. (Slide 30)




  • Define the words, repeal or repealed? (Slide 30)





  • What were the Townshend Acts? (Slide 31)




  • What were the nonimportation agreements? (Slide 32)




  • Who were the “Sons of Liberty?” (Slide 33)




  • What was the Quartering Act?  (Slide 36)




  • What caused the Boston Massacre? (Slide 37)




  • How many people died in the Boston Massacre? (Slide 38)




  • King George III agreed to keep a tax on what product after the repeal of the Townshend Acts? (Slide 39)




  • By 1770, how many Americans were drinking tea? (Slide 41)





  • What did the colonists resent? (Slide 42)





  • What was The Tea Act? (Slide 42)




  • What happened in late November 1773? (Slide 43)




  • What happened at the Boston Tea Party? (Slide 44)




  • What were the four Intolerable Acts? (Slide 46-47)










  • What was the “shot heard ‘round the world?” (Slide 48)




  • On September 1774, delegates from what congress met? (Slide 49)




  • Define the term, militia. (Slide 50)




  • Why were the soldiers called minutemen? (Slide 50)




  •  Who said, “Give me Liberty…or give me death!” (Slide 51)




  •  Who arrived into Boston in April 1775?  (Slide 53)




  • Name two famous colonists that wanted to declare independence.   (Slide 54)




  •  Who was Ethan Allen? (Slide 55)




  • What was the name of the band of Vermonters that Ethan Allen led?  (Slide 55)




  • What fort did the Green Mountain Boys capture? (Slide 55)




  • What did the colonists send King George III? (Slide 56)




  • Who was the commander of the Continental Army? (Slide 56)




  • What was one weaknesses of the Continental Army?  (Slide 57)           




  • Where did Colonel William Prescott take a position?   (Slide 58)  




  • What did the British General William Howe do when he spotted the American troops? (Slide 59)





  • Why do you think the American’s shouted, “Do not shoot until you see the whites of their eyes?” (Slide 59)




  • What was the first major battle of the Revolution called?   (Slide 61)




  • What was Washington’s job in mid-summer? (Slide 62)




  • What did King George III order? (Slide 64)




  • What is a blockade?  (Slide 64)




  • What did Richard Montgomery do?  (Slide 65)




  • Were the Americans successful in conquering Quebec? (Slide 66)



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