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Lecture Guide: Society & Culture of the 1950s


The 1950s was an era of _______________.


However, ____________________ struggled to conform to _________, ________________ culture.


And ______________ rebellion could only _________ for so long!



Minorities in the 1950s


Chinese Americans:

  • Many ________ limiting the rights of Chinese Americans were ____________ lifted.

  • ___________ increased, and a Chinese-American _____________ emerged

  • Most Chinese-Americans chose to ____________ into American society


Native Americans:

  • The government stopped supported Indian ________________

  • Led to a loss of ________ and ______________ of many Native Americans

  • The __________________ for Native Americans dropped

  • Native Americans had a hard time adjusting to life in ____________ America


Japanese Americans:

  • Following ______________ most had to ________ their lives ________

  • Ongoing __________________ made it difficult to find _______ and _______.

  • Most took jobs in ______________


Mexican Americans:

  • During WWII U.S. government created the _______________

  • Most Mexican Americans lived in _____________

  • Faced discrimination in __________________________________

  • In mid 1950s, government began _______________




African Americans:





  • Segregation was __________ but still _________

  • Blacks faced discrimination in ___________ & ______ opportunities

  • White neighbors would not ______ or ______ to African Americans

  • Black ___________ was more than _________ White unemployment

  • Blacks earned ______ of what white workers earned

Civil Rights Movement Begins





Women in the 1950s

  • __________ promoted the idea that a woman’s job was only in the ________

  • Women were expected to only be ________ & _________

  • By late 1950s nearly ______ of young women in college _________ out before graduating

  • Many women experienced _____ levels of ___________ (about _____ openly expressed ___________ with staying at home)

  • In reality many _________ women worked (about 39% of women with school age children worked)

  • Those who worked outside the home earned significantly ________ then men and primarily worked in __________ or __________.



Teenagers & Pop Culture

  • Teens as ______________ had a major influence on ______________

  • Many teens continued the trend of ____________ (watched mainstream _____ shows like _______________ and _______________; listened to pop music like _____________)

  • While others began to challenge conformity (began to listen to _____________ and go to movies like _________________).

  • The Beat Movement

    • A small ____________ of youth emerged

    • Supported ________________ and _______________

    • Inspired various art forms

    • Ex: Jack Kerouac’s On The Road

    • Became the ____________ for the 1960s ________________ movements

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