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Spanish-American War Lecture Guide








Cuba 1890s:

  • a _________ of Spain

  • had __________ against the Spanish since ______

  • Spain decided to _________ the rebels by creating guarded _________ (re-concentration camps)



  • ___________ companies ___________ many sugar mills & plantations in _______


American “Yellow” Journalists:

  • Newspapers reported ________________ and sometimes __________ stories about events in _________ to ______ newspapers.




  • Put _______________ on federal government to pursue an _________________ policy, at least in Cuba.


Steps to War…




  • American newspapers publish a letter from a Spanish _____________ that ____________ President _____________.





  • Another Spanish _____________, the ______________, also begins to __________, American politicians see it as a great ____________ to protect American ___________.


  • McKinley sends a list of ______________ to Spain – Spain agrees to ______ but __________________ for Cuba.





April 1898 – Spanish-American War is Declared!

“Remember the Maine”


U.S. Victory: Treaty of Paris











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