History Soars at Pheonix
Welcome to the official website for Mr. Beccia's social studies classes in Room 202 in the Hildreth Building.
Movie Questions
1. Who were the main characters? Describe them.
2. Which character(s) did you like? Why? Which character(s) did you dislike? Why?
3. What was the first problem Jeremiah faced?
4. How did he get the Hawken rifle he had wanted?
5. Why was it so snowy all the time?
6. What did Bearclaw do to Jeremiah?
7. How did Bearclaw help Jeremiah?
8. What did Bearclaw think about women?
9. Why did Jeremiah give the furs to Paints His Shirt Red?
10. What was wrong with the woman he meets at the cabin?
11. Where did he and the boy find Del Cue?
12. Why was Jeremiah mad at Del Cue for killing the Blackfeet?
13. How did Jeremiah insult Two Tongues Lebeau? What does Jeremiah have to do?
14. How do The Swan and Jeremiah get along at first?
15. Do you think things like this really happened during this era?
16. Why did Jeremiah shave? What did it show about his feelings toward The Swan?
17. How did Jeremiah and the Reverend Lindquist feel differently about the Crow burial ground and Indians in general?
18. Why do you think Caleb and The Swan were killed?
19. What did Jeremiah doafter Caleb and The Swan were killed? Why?
20. What did you think the Crow warrior was singing for?
21. How had Del Cue changed when he and Jeremiah met again?
22. Why did Del keep yelling?
23. Who lived in the crazy woman’s cabin after she died?
24. What did he say about the monument the Crow had built?
25. How did Bearclaw feel about Jeremiah when they met again?
26. When Bearclaw asked Jeremiah if it was worth the trouble what did he say? What do you think he meant?
27. Where do you think they were if it was still snowy in late March?
28. Who did Jeremiah meet at the end? What did you think the signals they made to each other meant?
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