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Lecture Guide: Turn of the Century Foreign Policies



After the Spanish-American War:

U.S. begins to ________ its control over nearby areas in

_________________ and the _____________.


1898 – Annex Hawaii & gain control of Puerto Rico, Guam, & the Philippines

1899 – Acquire Samoa & Wake Island (in the Pacific) for __________ and ________ outposts

1903 – Acquire the Panama Canal Zone



Open Door Policy – China:


________________ countries had claimed __________________________

Over part of ___________.



  • European countries were dominating trade in China






  • Big Stick Diplomacy: The U.S. acts as a policeman on the continent of America

  • President Theodore Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy





  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine:












  • Dollar Diplomacy: Economic support to poor neighbors to gain influence

  • President William Taft’s Foreign Policy:









  • Moral Diplomacy: To spread American beliefs and Christianity to “uncivilized” peoples

  • Moral Diplomacy:





  • Based on The White Man’s Burden:




  • Led to Protectorates:



  • Used in Mexico




  • U.S. Continued to pursue forms of imperialism around the world

  • Able to achieve the goals of:






And the U.S. emerged as a _________________.

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