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United States and the Middle East

In the Post World War II World



Creation of Israel (1948)

  • During and after World War II many Jews immigrated to Palestine

  • In

  • U.S. recognizes Israel _________________ many Arab nations



Camp David Accords (1978)

  • President Carter coordinates peace between long term enemies _____________and ___________.

  • Israel agrees to withdraw from the __________ Peninsula

  • Egypt recognizes Israel as a country ( _______________________________________________)



Iran Hostage Crisis (1979)

  • Revolution breaks out in Iran

  • Ayatollah Khomeini leads a ________________ against the Shah who was _______________ by the U.S.

  • Shah is _______________

  • Shah has cancer and travels to the ______ for treatment

  • Iranians __________ the American ___________ in Tehran

  • 52 ______________ taken ____________

  • Iranians demand return of the _________

  • President Carter refuses demands

  • Hostages ________________ in January 1981



Iran Contra Affair (1986)


  • Between dictator Somoza and __________________

  • Sandinistas ________

  • President _____________ recognizes new government and sends _____ million in aid

  • 1981 President ___________ fears _____________ have a _____________ connection

  • Reagan supports the _________________ group: ___________

  • Congress



  • Iran & Iraq engage in war

  • U.S.

  • 1983 Iranian __________ take 7 American _____________

  • Reagan responds by encouraging allies to ________ selling Iran _____________

  • 1986

  • Reagan

  • 1987 Congress investigates and members of Reagan’s staff held ______________, Reagan is ___________





Persian Gulf War (1990)

  • Iraq

  • In


  • Together


  • American

  • U.S. launches Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait

    • Air

    • February

    • Kuwait

    • UN

    • Over

    • Iraq



Afghanistan (2001)

  • After September 11, U.S. declares “___________________________”

  • It is believed that ____________________ and _______________ are being supported by the _________________ government (______________)

  • U.S. begins ____________ Afghanistan

  • Taliban are ____________ from power & ______________ elections are held in Afghanistan

  • Osama is still ______________ and al-Qaeda is spread throughout the _________________ and the ______________

  • U.S. currently __________ a military _________ in Afghanistan



Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003)

  • In 1990s Iraq breaks ____________ agreement from the Persian Gulf War – _________________


  • U.S. fears Iraq is supporting ____________________

  • U.S. & _____________ order ____________ to comply with inspectors and he _____________

  • As part of the _______________________ coalition forces __________ in March ____________

  • By April, ______________ defeated, but in _____________

  • December 2003 Saddam is _________________

  • Saddam was put on __________, found guilty for crimes _____________________________, and executed

  • U.S. troops maintain ________________ in attempt to help build a ________________ and rebuild the __________________.

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