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Vietnam Conflict Mini-Lectures



#1: Arguments For and Against American Involvement

Reasons TO Send Troops:













Reasons NOT TO Send Troops:

  • ___________ outweigh the benefits

  • There are other ______________ (ex: diplomacy, continue to send aid to ARVN, use UN)

  • Sending troops would be an ___________ of our world ________

  • Neither side can ______ a complete military ____________

  • War is about Vietnamese ____________________, NOT _______________ or __________________.



#2: Life of Soldiers and The Draft

Fast Facts:

  • About ________ million Americans served in Vietnam (1964 – 1975)

  • _______ were volunteers

  • Over ______________ died

  • _______________ were injured

  • Average age was _______

  • _______ of soldiers came from lower economic levels

  • ________________ served in disproportionate numbers

  • Draft lasted from ___________________

  • All men aged ____________ were eligible

  • Variety of ______________ existed to avoid going to Vietnam

Fighting Conditions:








#3: Protest Movement


  • Credibility Gap




  • Unfair Draft System




  • Influence of Civil Rights Movement



  • Increasing Number of College Students




  •  Youth Movement emerges called the ________________ - wanted _______ change in American society

  • Two popular New Left groups emerge



    • Summer of 1965 ________________ spread across college campuses

    • Protest a variety of things:



  • Movement spreads _________ college students to general American public – by end of _____________ media, returning veterans, and about _______ of Americans disapproved of the war.

  • Movement starts with __________ protests, but gets increasingly ____________ as time passes

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